Establishing A Globally Recognized Government for the African Diaspora

In September 2024, the African Diaspora Voters Education Board, LCA, will introduce the African Diaspora National Registry system, a platform designed for voter registration in the first-ever national election of the African Diaspora. This historic election will establish official leadership that will be recognized by the international community and governments around the world.

Digital System Convenience

The National Registry will initially function as a voter registration system, then transform into a National Skills Database, and eventually evolve into a Digital Legislature. Once it completes this evolution, the African Diaspora Government will begin its lawmaking process, establishing the laws and requirements for citizens to run for elections.
Official Flag of the African Diaspora

4 Steps To Elections

Phase 1

Voter Registration
Initially, the system will only allow people to register. We developed a 'Proof of Community' process to ensure that only legitimate members of the African diaspora can register, preventing foreigners from participating. No other features will be available during Phase 1.

Phase 2

National Skills Database
Once a sufficient number of people are registered, an update will be released that allows voters to enhance their profiles by adding skills, resumes, and experience—much like LinkedIn. This will help generate a comprehensive national skills database.

Phase 3

Legislative Department Nominations
After all voter's skills are registered, a subsequent update will enable voters to nominate individuals to serve in departments aligned with their expertise. Those who receive the necessary number of nominations will be granted access to participate in the law-making sessions for their respective departments.

Phase 4

Executive Office Campaigning & Elections
Following the nomination process, each department will establish the criteria for citizens to campaign for Executive Offices within that department. Once these requirements are set, another update will be released, allowing citizens to officially announce their campaigns. Voting will take place on September 29, 2025.

Our Mission

Our mission is to foster awareness and digital participation in the inaugural national election for the African Diaspora. The success of our efforts will usher in a globally recognized government administration with independent jurisdictional powers for Black Americans and the entire African Diaspora. We are calling on all stakeholders with substantial marketing resources to unite with the African Diaspora Voter's Education Board and spread the word about this historic election.

Short Term Goals

100 Dedicated Board Members

Ther primary goal is to enlist 100 dedicated members for the Voters Education Board, who will actively promote the voter registration drive and contribute to the political and economic empowerment of our people

Register 1 Million Voters 1st Week

We will launch the voter registration system September 1st. Achieving 1,000,000 registered voters will compel the media and Presidential candidates to address our national political movement, ensuring that our voices are heard and our concerns are prioritized with diplomacy

National Media Attention in USA

We aim for our voter registration numbers to capture the attention of the national press, prompting U.S. Presidential candidates to address their strategies and plans for diplomatic partnership with the forthcoming Black American Government.

Membership Requirements

Millions of Black people are unaware that the African Diaspora is on the verge of a diplomatic transformation into an official government. It is the civic duty of those of us who are aware to focus on reaching these masses and to assist however we can. That’s why we formed the Voters Education Board—to unite strategic marketers with a shared goal of spreading vital information that can reshape the political and economic future of our community. You are invited to join the Voters Education Board, LCA, if you are a marketer or influencer with substantial marketing resources to promote the first national election of the African Diaspora, or a high-net-worth individual willing to finance our marketing efforts.
