What Is A Digital Legislature?

Overview of System Features

First and foremost, a legislature is a system used to create laws. In the U.S., the House of Congress is the legislature most people are familiar with. For the convenience of the African Diaspora, we have designed a Digital Legislature and voting system to expedite the formation of the African Diaspora Government
How Does It Work?

Imagine thousands of experts speaking simultaneously, yet every voice is clearly heard, considered, and included equally in the conversation. That is the power of the digital legislature. Unlike traditional meetings where a few hundred people speak one at a time in a physical room, our system can accommodate thousands of contributors engaging remotely. An artificial intelligence then consolidates everyone’s input into a detailed, smart summary in real time. Each sentence in the collective summary is backed by expert statements made during the legislative session. When a sentence is highlighted, the system recalls all the statements that contributed to it, compiling them into a comment section.

This comment section allows other experts to challenge, request evidence, or inquire about the statements made. These interactions aim to either validate, revise, or retract the statements. Any change to a primary statement will automatically update the collective summary until it stabilizes into a consensus among the assembly. This process can also be applied to reviewing proposed bills, where specific sentences can be highlighted, inquiries made, and evidence presented to challenge statements or entire sections—forcing proof, edits, or retractions until the bill is refined or withdrawn entirely.

The digital legislature will continue to evolve as people begin to use it, but it will ultimately be refined and managed by the Science & Technology department of the African Diaspora Government once it is established. With the unity of so many tech experts working toward a common goal, the system holds tremendous potential and is sure to surprise everyone in the future. Below are the initial features that will be included.


Digital Signatures

No need to sign any papers! our system allows you to sign electronically during your registration process.

Proof of Community

To minimize foreign interference in our community's election process, it requires two people to register one account. One person must be the witness to vouch that the person registering is a member of the African Diaspora and a real person

Unilateral Peace Treaty

In spirit of invoking peace within our community the registration system establishes a unilateral Peace Treaty among the individual citizens of the African Diaspora

Individual Profiles

The system accommodates the registration of community members in their individual capacities.

Nation Profiles

The system accommodates Organized Nations to register in the main database, giving the option for its citizens to identify themselves as citizens of the Nation on their profile.

Representative Nomination

Citizens will have the ability to nominate other citizens for Legislative Departments and Committees based on the verified skill sets listed on one's profile

Voter Registration

Members of the African Diaspora can register to vote digitally in our system

Election Campaigns

Citizens will have the ability to campaign for representative status directly from their individual profiles


The system will have the ability to create departments in parliament where sessions will be held

Department Creation

During elections, citizens will have the ability to vote for other citizens who have announced campaigns for representative statuses

Election Campaigns

Citizens will have the ability to campaign for representative status directly from their sovereign profiles

Town Hall Meetings

Citizens will be able engage in mass-organized audio/video conferences directly in the digital Parliament system

Committee Creation

Departments will have the ability to create committees that may be accessed by members of the department

Sub-Committee Creation

Committees will have the ability to further create sub-committees to tackle specialized tasks and workloads for the committees.

Remote Legislative Sessions

Nominated Representatives will have the ability to participate in legislative sessions remotely to review, revise, vote etc. on bills for the law making process.

Minutes Recording

All minutes from legislative sessions will be recorded automatically by our system

A.I. Smart Summaries

During sessions, we will have the ability to receive input from thousands of people at a time then consolidate everyone's input into a single summary for review

A.I. Manual Override

In the event the legislative assembly determine the Artificial Intelligence is not performing up to standard, we can still proceed with legislative sessions manually

Advanced Conferencing

The Digital Parliament will have advanced conferencing features to accommodate for the unique purposes of government administration

Budget Transparency

The system will have real-time finance reports for transparency

Direct Messaging

Citizens will be able to send direct messages to other citizens

Direct Engagement

Citizens will be able to engage with content posted in the system

More To Come

More features will be added by the STEM department when it takes over the development responsibility.